Archive for mei, 2005

donderdag, 05 mei 2005

Celebrate good times, come on!


Today, the Dutch celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the liberation of Holland in May 1945 by the Allied forces.
Also, today is the 40th day after Easter: Ascension Day. Though this is a religious holiday, here, in my town, it marks the start of the annual Jazz festival!

Pfff… Not one, not two, but three very good reasons to celebrate, dance and have some fun, only days after the last festive occasion. I hope I’ll survive, I am not that young any more…

woensdag, 04 mei 2005

BiL power


L’il BiL *) has Becker Muscular Dystrophy: a genetic disorder that causes muscle weakness and affects only males. It is a milder variant of the better known Duchenne type of MD. Unfortunately there is no cure at present, but Becker is generally slowly progressive – yet he might end up in a wheelchair around his 40s or 50s… Right now, he is recalcitrant, frustrated about his physical limitations and refusing to accept his disease. In short: a very normal adolescent ;-)

L’il BiL started college two years ago. First he tried Civil engineering, but that was terribly dry material. Now, he studies Bio-Informatics, but the extensive computer programming is too much for his muscles. He has developed RSI. So next year, he wants to enroll in Media & Entertainment Management. I looked at the brochure and it seems perfect for him! Creativity ánd management: that’s L’il BiL.

Unfortunately, the college has an intake selection. In order to make a smashing impression on the selection committee, he has decided to not only write a catchy application letter, but also design a flashing website. Great idea, but how about the realisation? The guy has RSI, remember? That’s why we have come to the rescue. We love him *coughs* very much *coughs*, so I type the letter, and MyLove designs the site – with L’il BiL’s instructions of course. In order to find the perfect background for his site, we looked on the net. I clicked here, and there, and where ever he pointed at.

I clicked a couple of clicks to much: this morning I woke up with a very painful right shoulder blade muscle. Every word I type hurts and I click left-handed now.

However, I will finish his letter of application today. Pain or no pain. My muscle aches will go away after a bit of rest – and a proper seating position behind my PC. L’il BiL’s won’t.

*) MyLove has 3 brothers: one is older (32), two are younger (23 and 20). Hence, I have 3 Brother-in-Laws, or BiLs. According to the annotation of famous trios in fairy tales (the Three Bears, Three Little Piggies), I call them Big BiL, Middle BiL and L’il BiL. Capice?

dinsdag, 03 mei 2005



At first I thought my alarm clock was ahead of time. Then, I thought the sun had forgotten to rise, or maybe she was on a strike? When I heard the thunder, I realised it was just your average Spring morning in the Netherlands: heavily clouded, pouring rain and cold!

zondag, 01 mei 2005

BBQ Season 2005


Sunny, blue skies, 27 degC….
Today we celebrate the official start of the BBQ season!!

MyLove is the King of BBQ!

zondag, 01 mei 2005



This year’s Queensday was a ball! Unlike last year, me and MyLove did not go to Amsterdam, yet we spent it in our home town. I had two six-packs of Schultenbrau half liter cans in my backpack, some money to spend and a cell phone to find our friends. When the sun started to break through around noon, nothing could go wrong! First we went to the Vrijmarkt in the Town Park. I bought U2′s October – I only had a vinyl version, full of scratches – for two euros, and MyLove bought the complete works of Dr. Alban – sentimental reasons, I hope – for one euro a piece. Then we met up with my brother and his family and chilled a bit in the grass. Our friends joined us a bit later. Somewhere around diner time I had a large portion of chips – with lots of mayonnaise (see Pulp Fiction) – and the whole gang strolled to the Central Square. We did a little dance, had a lot of fun and finished the beer. MyLove had a gig that night, so he left the party at 8. I went to bed a midnight and had happy, orange coloured dreams!